More About The Rollercoaster
Teams begin by completing a series of challenges in order to earn their materials. Games include a variety of tasks to challenge logical problem solving, communication and co-ordination.
Working in small groups initially, teams figure out the best way to construct their piece of the roller coaster, using only rods and cable ties.
Strict building regulations must be adhered to and will be checked thoroughly by the roller coaster engineering inspectors!
Once the track is assembled, teams then practice coordinating their movements to create a wave that will propel a football along the track. For a competitive option, teams can then compete against each other for the best team co-ordination and fastest journey along their track.
The event concludes with all teams joining together to make one giant roller coaster. Everyone must then work together to co- ordinate their movements and propel many footballs along the roller coaster in one huge group-effort finale!
Memorable team building events to inspire and motivate your team.
Flexibility and creativity are at the heart of everything we do. We want our clients to experience an event that is outstanding and unforgettable. All of our events are tailored to you and your objectives.
- Get your team working collaboratively towards an exciting challenge
- A great team building event that will see your employees motivating each other
- Finish the event with the teams bringing together their roller coasters to make a giant one and see how many footballs they can propel down it
- It’s a lot easier said than done, this event will really test your team’s ability to think innovatively
- Improve communication skills